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Saturday, September 25, 2010

The ugly face of discrimination

Well, the hatemongers who send emails trashing Islam and their allies--that's right, allies--among Islamic hatemongers like Al Qaeda should be overjoyed by the news coming out this week.

The New York Times reports that complaints about workplace discrimination against Muslims are up. Muslims have been called "Osama" and "Camel Jockey," at their places of work. There are actually more complaints now than there were in 2001, after the attacks of 9/11.

It points to the same ugliness that has been abroad in the land since the 2008 election, when fools questioned Barack Obama's citizenship, and his religion, as if his religion should matter. By the way, he's a Christian, which makes him different from the author of our Declaration of Independence and Virginia's Statute For Religious Freedom, upon which or First Amendment is based, Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson, by the way, went through an intense study of the Gospels, cutting out all the miracles that struck him as nonsense. He also called priests and ministers "soothsayers and necromancers."

And the nonsense of today is that the U.S. is and always has been a Christian nation. That's simply not true. We don't tolerate our Muslim or Jewish or Hindu fellow citizens, we embrace them as Americans, with the same rights as all other Americans. At least if we have a grain of sense and decency. Unfortunately, both seem to be in short supply right now.

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